
Corleone (about 64 km from the B&B):

From Palermo headed in the direction of the Sicilian hinterland you will reach the famous territory of Corleone, dominated by spectacular rocky slopes of calcareous stone that characterize the landscape typically bleak with extensive cultivated fields with wheat.
The most important town in the area is the town of Corleone. The urban structure is typically medieval style, but there are many buildings in the baroque style, testimony the various changes of the original urban structure occurred in different historical periods.
We recommend visiting the Mother Church, built in ‘700 and the baroque Church of Santa Rosalia.
On the outskirts of town is located the Church of San Salvatore dating back to ‘700.
You can also visit the Villa Comunale.
On the rocky towers that stand solemnly on the village of Corleone, you can admire the ruins of the Castello Soprano and the few remains of the Castle Sottano, both located in a position where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the surrounding area.
